Yasaka Rakza series is a family of spin-oriented tension rubbers those are made in Germany and announced after mid-2009. (Though Yasaka doesn’t use the name of “TENSOR”, all rubbers of Yasaka are made in Germany and are TENSOR rubbers.) That is to say, a family of “Tenergy-type” rubbers. So Rakza7 family is a weapon of YAsaka for fighting against Tenergy family of Butterfly.
There are two members in Rakza7 family - Rakza7 and Rakza7 Soft. Both of them are “extreme” type (= Tenergy 05 type) whose pimples are arranged densely. They share many features with Tenergy 05 or Tenergy 05 FX respectively. There isn’t any “intermediate” type, i.e. Tenergy 64 type in Rakza7 family. Instead, Yasaka launched Rakza7 P.O. which is a pimple-out version of Rakza7 family.
At first, Yasaka launched Rakza7 in early 2010. And then, Yasaka launched Rakza 7 soft in October 2010. Top layers of them are made of 100% natural rubber, and consequently boast very high spin capability and long lifetime. Their sponges have the same constituents and the same structure as those of rubbers of Tenergy series. They have visible bubbles.
RAKZA7 : extreme spin & hard feeling for top players
Origin : Germany
Integrated speed glue effect : Yes
Tacky top layer : No
Rakza7 is the first “spin-oriented” tension rubber of Yasaka, and was launched in early 2010.
Yasaka is a spin-oriented tension rubber of “extreme” type, i.e. Tenergy 05 type. Top layer is made of 100% natural rubber, and its pimples are relatively short and arranged densely with 2.3mm of pimple pitch. This pimple shape and structure provide very high capability of spin. This top layer is harder than that of Tenergy 05. Rakza7 can be classified in the same category as Adidas P5 or Nittaku Fastarc G-1.
As the “Spring Sponge” of Tenergy 05, the sponge of Rakza7 has visible bubbles. The density of sponge is 47.5 degree. So it is slightly softer than the sponge of Tenergy 05 whose sponge density is about 48.0 degree or higher. The color of sponge is cream (white).
Rakza7 is the weapon of Yasaka against Tenergy 05. Thanks to the harder top layer and softer sponge, the overall feeling of Rakza7 is harder than that of Tenergy 05 or the other spin-oriented tension rubbers of extreme type. Some players may think that Rakza7 is faster but provides less spin than Tenergy 05. But, it differs by playing style, player’s preference, player's level and the combination with blade. Top players can draw the full ability of this powerful rubber.
Available thicknesses of sponge are 1.8mm, 2.0mm, and 2.2mm (MAX). (Note : these thicknesses are identical to 1.7mm, 1.9mm, and 2.1mm or Tenergy 05 respectively.)
The lifetime of Rakza7 is very long. It may be even longer than that of Tenergy 05.
RAKZA7 SOFT : extra spin & soft feeling
Origin : Germany
Integrated speed glue effect : Yes
Tacky top layer : No
Rakza7 Soft is the soft sponge version of Rakza7, and was launched in October 2010 together with Rakza7 P.O. which is the pimple out version of Rakza7 family.
Top layer of Rakza7 Soft is the same as that of Rakza7. So, Hexer Rakza7 Soft has good capability of spin, and can be classified as “extreme-type”. But, its sponge is softer than that of Rakza7. The density of sponge is 40.0 degree. Consequently Rakza7 is very soft, and provides great sound as speed-glued rubber. Rakza7 Soft is the weapon of Yasaka against Tenergy 05 FX.
Available thicknesses of sponge are 1.8mm, 2.0mm, and 2.2mm (MAX). (Note : these thicknesses are identical to 1.7mm, 1.9mm, and 2.1mm or Tenergy 05 FX respectively.)