17 September 2011

Hitting The Ball

Someone translate it from China National Coach's article...hope we can learn something!!!

When to hit the ball (on the early rise, late rise, highest point, early fall or late fall) and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each:

On the early rise, the speed is highest and the ball is often below the net,  so it is not easy to control... good for borrowing power from the ball on return, but difficult to put more power into the ball from your own stroke... To him, Wang Liqin tends to take BH shots too early.

And yup, best in his opinion to take the ball on late rise: spin is not as strong as when at highest point and timing is quite good ... good for borrowing power from ball as well as for putting power into the ball...  To him, Wang Hao does this the best.

For the highest point, ball is at highest point with respect to the net but increased spin of ball compared with when it is on the rise... the stroke is more obvious, so it is easier for opponent to judge what is coming...
It is the easiest point for hitting and gives the most control... the loop trajectory is higher as there is more time to prepare for the shot... Ok in his opinion, but should aim to have more of the attacking shot to be in the late rise period.

For the early fall period, need to generate more of the power from your own shot ... probably more for choppers, but even then, he suggests that choppers should not concentrate all their shots at this point as they should aim for more shot variation...

The late fall period is best avoided...

by: KPPj8


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