20 April 2011


The most common things happened to recreational level up to World Champion, everyone makes mistakes. However, there is a huge difference between the us (cap ayam) and the pros. We tend to make the same mistakes repeatedly. Once we are down 2-0, or lose the match, or driving home after the tournament, we discover the fault and possibly think of solutions. Good players pause after each point and recognise the lapse, and know how to immediately correct the problem. Maybe…just maybe...we had several ways to think more between points and eliminate continued errors.
  1. Ask a better player to analyze your game point by point. When practicing with a higher-rated player, ask him to stop every point for 2 minutes and tell you what you did right or what you did wrong.
  2. Take significant time between points. As rule says that “play must be continuous.” We are allowed to step back and reflect for 5 seconds to realize what went right and wrong during the point. At the 5 point break, take some time to think while toweling off and keep your focus on the game.
  3. Eyes in the court. Not only keep your mind on the game, but keep your eyes in the court. Even in practice, don’t let your eyes go beyond onto nice blonde chicks or other matches or your mind will drift.
  4. Practice like it’s a tournament. After winning the World Championships, Werner Schlager was asked if he had felt much pressure during the final. He said that he didn’t feel any pressure because for many years, he had been able to think clearly and practice as if he was in the final. When the final came, he was just thinking like he had been training.
    If we seriously take this advice to heart…I must say, InsyaAllah we’ll see rapid improvement as we start patching up the holes that plague our game before. Finally, I would like to see significant improvement amongst us in the next few months…probably before Ramadhan...ada branie????


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